Why Do Custom Images Matter?

Custom images refer to any images that have been created or modified specifically for a particular purpose. This could include photographs that have been edited or manipulated to achieve a specific look or effect. Illustrations or graphic designs that have been created from scratch. Illustrations or graphic designs that have been created and modified from pre-existing ones.

Ultimately, custom images are all about using visual storytelling to achieve a specific goal, whether it’s informing, persuading, entertaining, or simply expressing a unique vision.

Why Do Custom Images Matter?

How to create a custom image

Our brains process images roughly 60,000 times faster than text, allowing them to convey complex information and evoke emotions instantly.

But what if you lack the budget for a professional designer? Fear not, with a bit of creativity and some readily available tools, you can become your own image maestro.

4 Steps To Create Custom Images

Customizing your own images is important for effective communication with your audience. Research has shown that images convey messages more effectively than words. They help to captivate the audience faster and are more impactful. Here are a few steps to follow when creating compelling custom images.

Step 1 – Use Free or Low-cost Image Sources

Building a custom image takes creativity, but it also starts with finding the right source materials. Remember, copyright applies to most images, so we need to find visuals legally available for reworking. These images can be found on public domains. The public domain includes images that are either very old or those released by the creator into the public space. You can use these images without restrictions, attribution, or hidden fees. Platforms such as GIMP, Canva, Pixlr,Visme, Morguefile,Pixabay,Public Domain Pictures., etc., offer a variety of free-to-use images.

Step 2- Design like a Pro with Canva

Canva is your secret weapon for creating stunning custom images in graphic design without a background. Canva is a user-friendly design tool perfect for non-designers with options to adjust the color and size of an image, along with access to a variety of free images and shapes. With Canva, you can divide your canvas using preset templates, customize text, select backgrounds, and upload your own images without any charges. Other options for image design platforms include Photoshop, Illustrator, GIMP, Pixlr, and more.

Step 3- Grasp the Basic Design Fundamentals

  1. Select a font. Fonts are divided into two types: serif and sans-serif. Serif fonts have little “hooks” at the end of letters and are commonly used in print publications (like Times New Roman). Sans-serif fonts, on the other hand, were designed for the web and lack these “hooks.” They are generally (though not always) the better choice for web writing. It’s advisable to limit your selection to no more than two fonts per image to maintain simplicity and cohesion.
  2. Choose a suitable color scheme An effective image for a blog post should feature no more than three primary colors. In many instances, simplicity is key. Choosing the right hues can transform your image, setting the mood and influencing your audience’s emotions. Aim for no more than three main colors to avoid overwhelming the viewer.  There are mainly 4 key color pairings namely; Monochomatic, Analogous, Complementary and Triadic.

Step 4 – Creating the first Image with a Template

Crafting an appealing image takes just a few minutes. In this segment, we’ll use Canva as our example. Canva’s templates offer a quick path to excellent design—they’re entirely adaptable, allowing you to modify colors, images, and more to match your preferences.

Start by selecting your preferred dimensions,choose your background, add your elements, and choose the right fonts. Canva simplifies the process, making it easy to swiftly create your first image.

Importance of Custom Images for Optimizing Page

Optimizing your blog’s images isn’t just about making them look pretty. It’s a key strategy for boosting your SEO and user experience. Custom-optimized images can directly improve your search ranking, attract more clicks, and keep visitors engaged by ensuring your pages load lightning-fast.

Benefits of smart image optimization

  • Photo-sharing platforms like Pinterest can drive substantial traffic to your content.
  • Images appear in search engine results, and due to lower competition in the images section, proper optimization can elevate your image’s ranking.
  • Enhances your blog’s bounce rate and boosts the SEO score of your article.
  • Creating custom images may also result in backlinks when other blogs use your images in their articles, providing a source/credit link.


Optimizing Custom Images for Search Engines

Ready to get your custom images to rank high on search engines?  Align your images with your page’s content. Check out this essential guide.

1. Choose an Appropriate File Name.

When adding a new image to your article, it’s essential to inspect the image’s name. Rename the image with a descriptive name that aligns with the keywords you want the image to rank for. Ensure you include dashes between two words and avoid writing everything without spaces.

2. Resizing and Compressing Images

Before you upload an image, make sure to adjust its size and dimensions. Avoid uploading large images to your article, as they can strain your server and slow down the loading speed. The page load time of your website is crucial for SEO, and adding large images delays the loading time.

3. Image Dimensions

The image you upload should have a minimum size of 200 x 200px to ensure visibility on social networking sites. However, you may use smaller or larger images based on your specific needs.

4. Compressing Images

Image compression shrinks bulky files without sacrificing the visual quality. Tools such as TinyPNG can assist you in compressing images to reduce their size. Even after compression, the image quality remains largely unaffected. The image will still maintain a good appearance without distortion or pixelation.

5. Using ALT Text

The main role of ALT text is to describe the content of an image file. If, for any reason, the images do not display, the ALT text takes their place, describing what the image contains.

ALT text also serves to inform search engines that an image is present in that location. Since search engines cannot interpret images, omitting ALT text means missing out on potential traffic. By incorporating ALT text in your images, you ensure that your article is well-optimized, giving you an SEO advantage over your competitors.


Custom images matter for several reasons. They add a personalized touch to your content, making it stand out and reflect your unique brand or style. Custom visuals help convey your message more effectively, enhancing user engagement and understanding. From an SEO perspective, custom images can be optimized for search engines, improving the discoverability of your content. Overall, incorporating custom images into your content not only enhances its visual appeal but also contributes to a more distinctive and impactful online presence.